First time? Use these special offers

  • Get your first 2 clinics for 50% off with the code 2CLINCS55 at checkout

  • $25/pp for your first booking with the code FIRST25 at checkout




Court booking: $40 peak / $25 off peak

Clinics: $55/hr per person

Socials/Open play: $30 per person

Priority bookings: 7 days in advance

Most Popular

Premier Membership  


Initiation fee: $50

Court booking: $20 peak / $16 off peak

Clinics: $35/hr per person

Socials/Open play: $20 per person

Priority bookings: 14 days in advance

Swag: Park Padel hat

Squad Membership

Just $50/mo!

Get a group of 5-7 friends together and everyone gets Premier Membership benefits for half off the monthly rate. Inquire today at

Peak Hours:

Monday-Friday 8am to 9am and 3pm to 9pm

Off Peak hours:

Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm